
Healthcare is a rapidly changing business, only made more complicated by the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. That makes selecting the right insurance company and the right insurance plan imperative. You need someone to guide you through the process and help you understand the pros and cons of each particular plan. Insurance brokers like us are an important part of that process.

The Best Value

Since 1994 we have been helping individuals and businesses manage health insurance decisions. In the ever changing landscape of health insurance, our company realizes the balance between the benefits a plan offers and the price a company or individual is willing to pay.


Our agents bring knowledge and expertise to that decision-making process. Our goal is to find the right match for your needs within your budget.

The Best in the Business

We work with the leading names in the health insurance industry. Companies like CareFirst, Kaiser, and United Healthcare are our partners. Our reputation with our partners is top notch and our agents are well-trained to understand all package complexities, no matter which company is offering it. There are important gray areas and small details in the insurance industry and lots of fine print within the packages that these companies offer. We at Insuraty aren’t trying to sell you their products and services. Our goal is to make sure you understand the complexities, can read the fine print, and feel confident about the decision you are making.

The Right Package

Our role is to be the subject matter expert so you don’t have to be. We understand the marketplace, the different offerings, and the benefits and advantages of each particular plan.


Our knowledge, combined with our understanding of your needs, saves you time. We understand that what might be right for one customer, could be a bad fit for another. There is no one-size fits all approach to crafting the right insurance package.

Health Insurance

Insuraty provides group health coverage from the best health providers in the area. We offer plans with reputable preventive, hospitalization and emergency care programs. While these are widely considered the most important aspects of health insurance, we’ve found that there is a growing interest in plans that are sensitive to disease management, vision, alternative therapies, and minimal paperwork.



Comprehensive and flexible plans are available which include features such as voluntary employee paid plans, indemnity plans that give you the freedom to choose any dentist, and orthodontia coverage. Our plans provide preventative, basic, and major dental services and are pre-designed and pre-priced with discounts to make your decision easy. We will walk you through all of the options and help you find the right fit for you or your organization.

Long-Term Care

The statistics place the odds in favor of protecting your future with Long-Term Care insurance. It is projected that six out of every ten Americans who reach age 65 may need long-term care at some point in their lives. We can assist in selecting policies that offer coverage in the home, assisted living facility, nursing home, or adult day-care. Buying coverage now may save money in premiums over the long run.

Cancer Insurance

Cancer strikes one out of three Americans, and two out of three families. Most health insurance plans on average cover only the direct medical costs, about 35% of the total cost. Those who are potentially at risk should know that with Cancer Insurance they can supplement their health insurance policy for direct medical and indirect non-medical costs of cancer treatment.

Disability Insurance

We have seen individuals benefit from short and long-term disability insurance that they never thought they’d need. It’s something to consider. Disability insurance provides income security in the event of disability from an accident or sickness.

Life Insurance

Insuraty provides life insurance packages from the biggest names in the industry. We can help you or your employees plan for the unknown. We walk everyone one on one through the process, ensuring that the best decisions are made for those looking after their families. 


We’ve found that there are two states of mind when it comes to life insurance.


Some build legacies with their foresight, knowing that their family will be stronger and better off with inheritances when the inevitable occurs.


Others don’t see the benefit of investing in life insurance at all or are unaware that the life insurance coverage, offered by their employer, is barely enough to cover reasonable expenses incurred – leaving their family without a legacy on which to build.


For centuries, the families that aim to build legacies… do. These families benefit from inheritances, generation after generation, that help to produce more college graduates, more homeowners, and countless contributions to society. It’s that simple.


At Insuraty, we believe life insurance is about life. Insuraty offers guidance in determining why life insurance is needed; how much coverage is optimal; and the advantages of different types of policies. For employers, we will work one-on-one with your employees to help them determine the right approach for them.

Term Life

Term insurance covers you for a term of one or more years. It pays a death benefit only if you die in that term. Term insurance generally provides the largest immediate death protection for your premium dollar.

Whole Life

Whole life covers you for as long as you live if your premiums are paid. You generally pay the same amount in premiums for as long as you live.

Universal Life

Universal life policies offer flexibility in premium payments. You can adjust the face amount of your coverage. The premiums you pay go into a policy account that earns interest.

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What about flexible spending?


We’ve got you covered. Dependent care reimbursement accounts allow employees to direct a predetermined amount of money into an account that reimburses for dependent care expenses for eligible children and/or dependents. Medical reimbursement accounts allow employees to direct a predetermined amount of money into an account that may be used for eligible medical expenses incurred, but not covered under the existing health plan.

Can you help me with voluntary insurance?


Yes we can! We know that in some cases, employers prefer to contribute to a specific set of benefits, excluding benefits that may be of interest to some employees. Employers may offer the opportunity for these employees to receive the benefits they feel are important to themselves and their families. Our voluntary group insurance plans provide life, dental, and short and long-term disability insurance benefit options for these employees at their own expense.

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We take customer service seriously. We have dedicated ourselves to making sure every client is knowledgeable and confident in their choices and decisions and always has access to the answers they need.